
Offering Spiritual Sacrifice.

 It been a while writing in my blog and just now I was led by the Holy Spirit to write this piece and send it to you, Isn't that beautiful? That the LORD God has everyone of you reading this in mind and He visits you with this message (Psalms 8:4) I was in a deep spiritual conversation with a man some weeks back and we got talking about 'Sacrifice and why offering sacrifices is a thing among many religion' and the Holy Spirit wants me to bring you something from this discussion. In all religions, mostly The traditional African Religion and other religion across the globe, Rituals and Sacrifice is a thing that is central and a component of worship. When Men seek Political power, Wealth and favor for business and they go visit a shrine, the demons been worshipped will request for sacrifice that might be blood or some sort of things packed in a calabash to be taken to a certain spot in a specific time at midnight hour. Why do demons and fallen spirit require all this? You must

Hearing the Voice of God

Knowledge is potential for power and authority.

You have heard this saying that 'Knowledge is Power" Knowledge is indeed truly power and can give you leverage and edge if you engage the wealth and riches that knowledge can give you in the 21st century where people wander to and from confused asap result of lack of knowledge and what to do. Daniel 1:17 (KJV)  As for these four children (Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-nego), God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams. The word translated 'Knowledge"  in hebrew is 'Madda" which means ' Knowledge, science, thought, intelligence " and it is a gift that God gives. Invention and innovation in science, medicine and technology comes from this kind of knowledge. The area the spirit of God want to minister to you specifically is one of the element of knowledge that God can give to you in the form of 'Thought". What then is thought? Thought is an idea or opinion produced

If Grace is unmerited/Undeserved favor of God, how do we receive what we don't deserve or merit?

 If Grace is unmerited or undeserved or unlimited favor of God, how then can we get what is unmerited of God? Romans 11:6 (NIV) And if by grace, then it cannot be based on works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace. So for Grace to be grace in itself, it wouldn't and can't be based on anything we do or that can do Ephesians 2:8 (KJV)   For by GRACE are you saved through FAITH; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: The bible says when God wanted to demonstrate his love towards us, He gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ A.k.a unmerited favor (Grace) that whosoever believe the Grace, you see the word 'Believe": Grace is tapped into or taken or received from God by our believe through faith.. Let us see the words of Jesus Christ our LORD: And Jesus Christ said to them, Therefore I say to you, that no man can come to me, except it is given to him by my father (John 5:65) So the father the Holy Spirit gives you grace by teaching or revealing to you to

Crying unto the LORD for help

  God made a promise to Abraham and said to him, “Your descendants will be strangers in a foreign land; they will be slaves there and will be treated cruelly for 400 years, see (Genesis 15:13) Because the word of the Lord is true and a yes, God is not like men that he tell lies, what God says that He shall fo and bring to pass, all things has to fall in place to fulfill that prophecy, the promise and bring Abraham decendants to a foreign land Egypt, you all know the story of Joseph who had the gift of dreams and interpretation by God, how he was sold to slavery by his brothers to the house of potiphar, went to prison for his righteousness and God gave Pharaoh a disturbing dream and how he heard of Joseph gift and gave Joseph an audience and was lifted up from the prison to the office of the prime minister in Egypt and years after Joseph has been established he brought his brothers and father to Egypt and that was how they came into a foreign land, you see how God work to bring his pro

Jesus Christ is God Almighty....

There has been a misunderstanding or rather ignorance in Christendom concerning the person of Jesus Christ, but of this the Holy spirit would not have you ignorant. "That Jesus Christ is God Almighty made flesh and manifested to the world in power and glory" - no other religion preaches this kind of gospel in similar manner, God Almighty bringing all the races and color of the earth to himself in the person of Jesus Christ and that because God is the author of life in himself he wasn't fathered by the seed of a man in the Virgin Mary. Jesus Christ appeared to Apostle John in the Isle called Patmos saying - I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty (Revelation 1:8) Jesus Christ was saying to John he is God almighty. The prophet Isaiah also prophesied of God coming in the person of Jesus Christ: Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and

Dreams are letter from God

Dreams people say is foolish and some believe it just your mind playing some scene of thoughts and plans of men and never meant to be taken serious: Instead, God has deliberately chosen to use ideas the world considers foolish and of little worth in order to shame those people considered by the world as wise and great and it is wonderful how that God choose God still speaks to people in dreams and vision today and concerning dreams and vision the Holy Spirit will not want you to be ignorant. Dreams since the beginning of time had been one way that God speaks to Nations, Kingdom, Kings, Men and his prophets, so take heed because God may have been speaking to you or will speak to you these days. Job 33:14-18 (NCV) God does speaks in a dream or a vision of the night, when people are in a deep sleep, lying on their beds. He speaks in their ears and frighten them with warnings, To turn them away from doing wrong and to keep them them from being proud. God does this to save peopl