Offering Spiritual Sacrifice.

 It been a while writing in my blog and just now I was led by the Holy Spirit to write this piece and send it to you, Isn't that beautiful? That the LORD God has everyone of you reading this in mind and He visits you with this message (Psalms 8:4)

I was in a deep spiritual conversation with a man some weeks back and we got talking about 'Sacrifice and why offering sacrifices is a thing among many religion' and the Holy Spirit wants me to bring you something from this discussion.

In all religions, mostly The traditional African Religion and other religion across the globe, Rituals and Sacrifice is a thing that is central and a component of worship. When Men seek Political power, Wealth and favor for business and they go visit a shrine, the demons been worshipped will request for sacrifice that might be blood or some sort of things packed in a calabash to be taken to a certain spot in a specific time at midnight hour. Why do demons and fallen spirit require all this?

You must bear in mind that Demons, Fallen Spirits and the Devil are fallen Angels and the power, ideology and fundamental they operate is God given but has been perverted or corrupted for evil and wickedness.

The Angels of God also operate this ways, when God send certain Angels to bring some blessing to mankind, at times they ask that man perform an effort or some sort of test qualifying them for this blessing, you would ask or start thinking how true can this be? 

Let me take you to the bible: When Abraham was aged and sent one of his servant to get a wife for his son Isaac, Abraham servant asked him what if I could not get a wife for your son, Abraham said to him, the God I serve will semd His Angel before you amd you shall find a wife for my son.  So, Abraham dispatched an Angel.of God that went before his servant to orchestrate for his servant to find a wife for Isaac. Rebecca was in the house when the LORD told her to go to the well and fetch water and should give a man who she will find at the well water and also help him with water for his 10 camels. 

'So she quickly emptied her jar into the trough, ran back to the well to draw more water, and drew enough for all his camels” (Genesis 24:19-20). Now this wasn't just like getting a few glasses of water. Verse 10 reveals the servant had 10 camels. Each camel could easily drink 25 gallons (almost 100 liters) of water.

Now let do the math: A black keg is 25Litre and a Camel will drink at least four (4) of it, so Four (4) kegs of 25 litre times 10 Camels which is 40 Kegs of 25 Literally was what the beautiful Rebecca fetch to serve the Servant.

That was just what the Angel required of her to release the blessing of marrying the son of a rich man Abraham that is Isaac. In order to read the full story in the bible please see (GENESIS 24) it will really bless you.

So when you pray to God, God bless me, do this for me, I need this or that, when God sent His Angel bearing the blessing and he test to see if we are capable of receiving the blessing, can we say we wont be found wanting? 

Great men in the bible understand the importance of sacrifice, Kind David said: 'Psalms 20:3 (KJV)  Remember all thy offerings, and accept thy burnt sacrifice; Selah.; Noah offered sacrifice after the flood to God, Abraham built several alter to sacrifice. Even Carnal men who seek political power offering blood sacrifice to God to fallen evil spirit for political power to control the mind of man to just vote them in power and they just release a slogan into the air and before you know it people just start chanting those slogans and vote them in.

Angels of God will test you most times before they deliver blessings to.see your Heart before them and God. I hope this bless you. 

May the LORD give you understanding in this in Jesus name


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