
Showing posts from March, 2017

The Three Dimension of Man: Spirit, Body and Soul.

1 Thessalonians 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole SPIRIT and SOUL and BODY be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Man is a spirit, has a soul and lives in a body... By the revelation of the Holy Spirit I want to explain the three dimension of man to you... BODY Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Man was created in the very image and likeness of God (see Genesis 1:26) he has characteristics and functions like God. The image part of the human physiology is an image of how the true God looks like. Now see, man body was formed out of the dust of the ground and his body is what helps him to contact and interact with the physical world (Earth); the body consist of the Smell, Sight, Feel, Hear and Taste sensory organ of (Nose, Eye, Hand, Ear and Mouth) that helps man to interact and contact the physic

The Giftings and calling of God are irrevocable...

See people of God, The word of God as inspired by the Holy Spirit struck and I love its expression in the Amplified Bible version in the book of Romans 11:29 For God's gifts and His call are irrevocable. [God never withdraws them once they are given, and God does not change His mind about those whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call] May the Lord God bless the reading of this word. What is it saying? God is not like sons of man (Numbers 23:19) and if truly God has to be God and not a man, his gifting an calling that He gives to anyone he does not take it back. What is the Holy Spirit saying to the church, this is not a message of lasciviousness but a profound knowledge of the wisdom and power of God. God created Lucifer now the Devil: the adversary of all man with precious stones such as 'Topaz, diamond, Beryl, onyx, jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with Gold, and called him to be an Archangel, gift him with the cheruib kind of anointing, beauty an