The given ways of God designed for the Godly to prosper with Riches and wealth.

Proverbs 8:18 [KJV]
Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness.

Deuteronomy 8:18 [KJV]
But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

In my previous writings to you, I wrote to you about the 'Mystery of Power, Wealth and Riches' and 'why it seems like the ungodly prosper than the Godly'... One of my readers contacted me and ask that I should write on how then can the Godly prospers.
And the Holy Spirit inspired me once again and I shall teach by the revelation of God what then is the path to prosperity for the Godly?
Like I said any man Good or Evil; Just or Unjust can have money, wealth and power in this life and can have a whole lot of it, it is never a product of being good or careful to be hardworking, or religious, or smart or swift or wise, or possess lot of skills, as the wise man King Solomon said: the race of life is not to this mentioned people {Ecclesiastes 9:11); because God make his sun to rise on all and send rain to all alike (Matthew 5:45) and worthy of note is that God promised Noah after the flood destruction of the world of his time that 'as long as the earth remain, there shall be seedtime and harvest (Genesis 8:22). So God will do his part sending rain and making the sun rise on all man as a SEED OR PLANT, so it depends on how you avail yourself to some certain natural principles of seedtime and harvest.
It depend on how you apply yourself to certain natural law and principle of success. There are many books on this, written by natural men on how that you can apply yourself to the natural laws and principle of success.
However, as Christians, when we get born again you are born into the kingdom of God, that is, God deliver you from the world and god of this world Satan and deliver you into the kingdom of his dear son Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:13) and you should no longer function by natural principles and laws of this world, but by the mystery of the kingdom of God and glory to God, it is given to all of us Christians, born again to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven of God (Matthew 13:11)
Let me quickly go into the ways that the Godly can prosper.

Firstly, you must learn obedience to God, and the word was God (John1:1), how can you obey a God that you do not know or have seen. That is why we have His words (The Bible), it is your devotion to God as a christian to meditate upon the bible and do according to all that is written in it.
As it is written:
Study this Book of Instruction (The Bible, God's word) continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. ONLY then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.

Watch the scripture, ONLY.... That's the basic only way for you to prosper as Christians. You can't afford to be a lukewarm Christian or unstable as the water toss to and fro. Be sure to obey all, not a part of every word written in the bible. Dont just hear, do what you have heard and read from the bible, only then God will prosper you and you will succeed in all you do.
Prosperity goes beyond riches and wealth, to physical, emotional, mental and social wellbeing, that is the kind of prosperity God gives.

Secondly, there are hidden wisdom that God has set apart before the world for our glory (1 Corinthians 2:7), and it is given to us to know the mystery/wisdom of God (Matthew 13:11). But not all function with this grace as a result of disobedience to God words. First you have to obey God words by doing them, by being sure to do all that is written in it. Then God will start to reveal some hidden things to you, along the line of (Destiny and purpose why He sent you here), along the ways that you should go to prosper. The things you should lay your hands on, career choice among others. Not just getting degrees upon masters with no clear purpose, traveling abroad seeking greener pastures with no clear purpose.

Thirdly, you must seek God for your purpose, destiny and your gifting. You prosper easily with little effort and comfort when you discover your purpose and gifting and apply yourself to it. I watched and read Mark Zukerberg, he said he has a gift of programming, and that is what he translate to Facebook and his source of wealth as the world 7th richest is Facebook.. The first and second should guide you to this third way to prosper. Many ungodly people have been able to step out defying their odds and circumstances to achieve success for themselves. More so, Christians should not have this mindset of miracles, grace and Favour, though God gives miracles and grace and Favour. But God needs you to step out working and doing something, for him to grace and Favour your effort. Dont just wander from crusade to another crusade, praying mountain to another, seeking prophecies and miracle money. God has said to man, that in your sweat shall you eat until you go back to the dust (Genesis 3:19), not in God miracle or grace or Favour shall you eat, you see that. You need to discover your gifting, your purpose and get sweaty from working and God shall grant you grace and Favour in your work and bless that.

Fourthly, tithe your money to the kingdom of God (Malachi 3:10-12). You need to connect and channel your money to God through paying your tithes to your local church. And learn to also support the work of God gospel (Mission trips, ministry works, programmed, crusades and things that will help push the gospel forward) as you are led by the Spirit of God, not under compulsion of your pastor through the 'Seed Faith doctrine'
I say with all reverence before God and man, the gospel of prosperity that has become the norm of all church is designed to prosper the church system and enable pastors to maintain their expensive and luxury lifestyles at the expense of church members. That if you give God #100,000 He shall give you #200,00 in return, God is not in all this seed faith of prosperity that most pastor preach and enforce on the church. This I say by the mercies and fear of God knowing that one day I shall stand before God and give an account on what I have written to you on this  blog . God has made it in a way that man shall eat from his sweat.
I have seen many men of God stand before the church and say, there is an anointing upon their life and if you sow a certain amount of money to them, you shall get double of whatever you sow. Be not deceived people.
Note, I tell Christians and it is a righteous cause to pay their tithes and learn to support their church and ministry with money so that the work of God can be done and the gospel preached to all man, and if you do this with a pure conscience and leading of the spirit, God will see that and increase you to prosper more abundantly.

Fifthly, 'And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, he made a woman for him and brought it to the man (Genesis 2:22)
you should choose your life partner (wife and husband) by seeking God not your personal selective preference. It is good you marry with certain preferences of financial capability, a partner who fear God, good and favourable physical traits, family background moral uprightness among many others, but learn to seek God on who you should marry and who that rib is. All woman is a rib taken from her husband that is destined for her. Every man has a wife that is destined for him by God to journey through life to fulfill his purpose and destiny and her destined wife destiny and purpose is in connection with your destiny as an helper, she has the ministry of being your helper to see that she assist you through life and you also do likewise, and you can never as a man find that helper in a wrong rib. Note, when a man and woman come together as one in marriage, that is two destiny becoming one and it is capable of great success and prosperity..
I know you have read of and know some men who got married and the story of their life change for good financially and all aspect and on the other hand you have also read stories of women who got married to a man who killed them and make them suffer through life from domestic violence.
There are special benefit and blessing that God commands on the union of marriage, If you marry seeking God and not by your design.

Proverbs 18:22
 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.

Ecclesiastes 9:9 (THE LIVING BIBLE)
Live happily with the woman you love through all the meaningless days of life that God has given you under the sun. The wife God gives you is your reward for all your earthly toil.

Men are also exhorted to live with their wives according to knowledge of God, honoring them, so that your prayers to God can be answered (1 Peter 3:7) and in the absence of you not living with your wife according to the knowledge of God and treating your wife with honor your prayers can be hindered.

You can see there is a lot of blessing on marriage if you get it right.

Also, you should learn to assist people living around you, not as menpleaser or seeking praise and glory of men but as unto God and He shall reward you by increasing you.

Proverbs 14:21
 He that despiseth his neighbour sinneth: but he that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he.

Proverbs 19:17
 He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.

It may not necessarily be by giving money to them, you should learn to empower the poor, learn how to do something to lift up the hands of friends, family members and people around you.

Proverbs 3:27
Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.
God shall bless you more with riches and wealth and power over men if you excel in this.

I trust that this has been so insightful and a blessing to you.
God bless you my beloved readers.


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